Tagged: jade green

Good Luck Friday Refashion: Stained Hoodie to Strapless Top

Today’s refashion is fairly simple. But I’m posting it anyway because I want to talk about waste.

I actually wrote this post a few days ago, but wanted to keep to my Friday refashion schedule. Serendipitously, I happened across a really neat Freshly Pressed post titled Crafting in Circles that said a lot of things that I think about when crafting. It’s hard to balance domesticity with freedom and creative self-reliance with twee kitcsh, isn’t it? Surprisingly so! And even when I am being self reliant, it’s tempting to just use up my materials in a haphazard manner. Well, they’re salvaged, after all. That means they’re already waste, I’m just reclaiming parts of it.

But how much fabric goes to waste on any given project/refashion? I find that sleeves, necklines, the bottom or top halves of shirts, and hoods often just end up in my scrap pile, too small to really use, too large to trash. But today I got a little bit creative in my thinking, with good results.

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This lovely “good luck” pseudo-asian-inspired hoodie is a bit too short in the arms (it belonged to my sister when she was a teenager) and has a big stain on it from an unfortunate incident where a packet of tie-dye leaked in a car trunk.

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